Loading Dock Conversion Kits – This is a full feature conversion that provides hydraulic operation of both the deck and lip. Easily adapts to all manufacturers pit style doc levelers. Complete installation instructions supplied with every unit.

Loading Dock Brush Weather Seals – At the loading dock a gap exists between the dock leveler and dock pit wall, often being around a 1” gap on either side of the dock leveler. The dock leveler – pit gap can amount to having a 12” x 12” window of air infiltration into your building per dock position. We highly recommend to close a this portion of your building opening to loss of conditioned air out and unconditioned air in with your choice of rubber or brush weather seals.

Loading Dock Bumpers – Each loading dock must be equipped with a form of loading dock bumper to protect the building from vehicle impact damage. Keep in mind that an approaching vehicle can generate up to 300,000 lbs. of impact force. Several styles of bumper are available to suit application requirements.

Molded – Fabric reinforced masticated rubber, shaped with lag bolt holes.

Laminated – Fabric reinforced rubber pads, laminated and secured between steel angles.

Loading Dock Wheel chocks – are wedges of sturdy material placed behind a vehicle’s wheels to prevent accidental movement. Chocks are placed for safety in addition to setting the brakes.
Loading Dock Lighting
Communication Lights – Communication light packages are standard features with most manufacturers’ vehicle restraints, and are important factors in the overall safety of the loading dock. If the communication system is not a standard feature offered by a particular manufacturer then it should be requested as an optional item.
Loading Dock Lights – Loading Dock lights for the loading dock area are rugged, durable, and dependable. Our dock lights help increase safety by providing floods of soft, bright light to illuminate truck and train interiors. Dock lights help increase personnel safety and help eliminate product damage.
Loading Dock Replacement Lips –Since spools sizes vary between manufactures, we offer a replacement lip kit that includes the lip plate with welded lip spools, deck spools and the lip pin. This eliminates the potential problems involved in trying to interlink existing deck spools of one manufacturer with the new lip.